I ordered a salad at one of my favorite restaurants via drive thru without checking the bag. I realized when I reached my destination that it had corn in it which I did not order or want. Did I return the salad? Nope, I picked out the corn.
This is fine for salad just pick and choose but cannot be done with what God has said in His word. I have spoken a lot about grace but I must balance that with a reminder of obedience.
This word can cause some to cringe imagining that this also means unintelligent and substandard. It is actually an intelligent move to follow the One with all the answers. The One that has seen the beginning and the ending and is the One that loves.
Grace is available but not a license to continue down a knowingly wrong path because of the availability of grace. Follow God. Obey God. Love God and His people.
Read Romans chapter 6.